Rudy gay nba career

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Beyond those two, the Jazz have Mike Conley, Bojan Bogdanovic and Rudy Gobert who can all hit 20 points on a given night. The Jazz have two volume scoring guards in Donovan Mitchell and Jordan Clarkson, who take a combined 41% of Jazz’s shots - 35 combined attempts per game of Utah’s 85 nightly shots. His game is adaptable and he’s modified his presence on the floor as his body and athleticism have been met with age.īut it’s also important to point out that this isn’t why he came to Utah. Gay has been a prolific scorer throughout his career. And maybe that’s not that wholly unrealistic. Jazz fans may be tempted to expect this from him and more. Gay just just dropped 20 points and grabbed five rebounds in his Utah Jazz debut, while shooting 5-for-6 from three and 7-of-8 overall.

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Rudy Gay punctuated his walk-off interview on Thursday night with a little advice for Jazz fans: “Don’t expect this every time,” the veteran forward said. Gay dazzled in his Jazz debut, but is it fair to expect that brilliance every night? (Rick Egan, Salt Lake Tribune)

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